There was a full and varied itinerary of activities again this year. We were fortunate to be allocated tickets for the Fireman’s OAP Christmas party to start off 2024. It was a really great afternoon’s entertainment. The tickets are usually issued bi-annually, due to the demand, so we were very lucky.
We continue to enjoy the delicious bacon rolls prepared by Ted and Di, also the fish and chip suppers and the Chinese nights that Mary and John organise. A new addition to our regular activities is Sally’s Lunch Club, which is held monthly. Although not financed through the social club, many residents help Sally. All of these events are very popular and a big thank you to them all.
In February Alex from the South Coast Defences came to give us an update on the progress of the work being carried out. He is very enthusiastic about the project. Hopefully he will come again now the current phase is finished and work has begun in the area towards Clarence Pier. If you’ve managed to see the newest part you’ll agree that it is very impressive.
In March we had the first of the two outings. Two mini buses took us to the Northney Farm Tearooms on Hayling Island. We enjoyed a lovely cream tea and many also purchased food from the farm shop.
As usual we had our Easter raffle with many eggs donated and tickets sold. There was also a visit from the then Lord and Lady Mayor of Portsmouth to one of our coffee mornings in March. They were a lovely couple who enjoyed chatting with residents and taking a tour of the building.
Helene from The Auckland Arms came to sing for us again in April. She enjoys coming here and not only for the lemon cake that Chris makes for her! We managed to persuade her to come again in October. It is the only venue that she performs outside her pub. It was lovely to see people up dancing too.
During the Summer months we held two BBQ’s, one to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D Day. The other just to enjoy the sunshine. Thank you to Tony for cooking and all the helpers. The Summer wouldn’t have been complete without another cream tea in the lounge.
We also made the most of the Summer with a trip, by mini bus again and a taxi, to Stansted Park Garden Centre in Rowlands Castle. There were many eateries and shops along with the beautiful garden to walk around. Hopefully we can do similar trips next year. Any ideas of local destinations please let us know.
The garden and the balcony have been beautiful this summer, very colourful and much appreciated. So thanks to Ted and Di in the garden, Mick and Mags on the balcony for their hard work in creating a lovely place for us to enjoy.
Previous entertainers Victor and Sue couldn’t make Christmas so they visited in November to start off the festivities. Good to see them again.
Obviously there were many Christmas events starting with decorating baubles for the tree. The raffle had over 100 prizes and a fun afternoon was had by all. A delicious Christmas Lunch was held at the ‘Ship and Castle’, already been asked to book there again next year. A week later we enjoyed a party in the lounge. We said goodbye to 2024 with a get-together enjoying time with friends and neighbours.
Everyone has been very generous with their charity donations, with table top sales, auctions and competitions. A total of £1292 was collected for Stroke Association, RNLI, MacMillan, Poppy Appeal and Salvation Army. Thank you so much to everyone who donated or helped with the events.
We also appreciate the donations from Agamemnon towards the garden and some of our events.
The bingo has been a mainstay of our entertainment. Thanks to Pam and all the callers for keeping this going throughout the year.
The activities are only successful with your support and attendance. A big thank you to everyone who volunteer in any way. We appreciate the time people give to any of our events
Thank you to people who continue to host the coffee mornings. The support for these are sadly declining so next year there will only be one a week on Thursdays. On bacon roll days a cuppa is still available from 10am. However everyone is welcome to use the kitchen to prepare their own drinks at other times.
So as you can see we’ve had a busy year and look forward to more events in 2025. Rosemary and Pam are always happy to hear any ideas for the future.
The club accounts have been balanced and audited.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2025
Cornwell Court Social Club
January 2025