Residents Laughing

Our Vision

Be the leading provider of quality living for veterans.

Our Mission

To provide quality living for veterans and their families over 60.

Strategic Objectives 2021 – 26

To be a recognised and respected beacon of excellence in the sheltered housing sector.

We are clear about our aims and ensure they are delivered effectively

Our decision-making processes are informed, rigorous and timely

We maximise value for money and focus on delivering what our stakeholders require

We seek to build at least one more court in the next two years

We develop a wide range of outreach services

We engage with the wider community and seek partnering opportunities where appropriate

We promote a culture of continuous improvement with a strong focus on service quality

We demonstrate a commitment to learning and development

We have an environment of openness and transparency with tenants, colleagues and board

Core Values

The core values by which we will measure our performance, efficiency and effectiveness.


The ability to act with honesty and openness in all dealings with other Colleagues and Customers. To always strive to do the right thing.


To treat all Colleagues and Tenants with dignity and respect and to acknowledge differing views and opinions.

Person centred

To put our people and tenants at the centre of our thinking when making decisions that will affect them.

Continuous improvement

To constantly strive to improve the way we do business and deliver services. To always look for a better way in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Transparency and openness

To commit to being transparent and open in all our dealings with both colleagues and tenants.

Annual Reports & Accounts