Abusive and Threatening Behaviour Policy
Author: Carl Dixon
Effective Date: December 2024
Next Review Date: December 2027
If you require this document translated or issued in a format which is more appropriate for you, please contact us.
1. Introduction
Agamemnon has ZERO TOLERANCE in respect of abusive and/or threatening behaviour towards its colleagues, agents or contractors.
Any abusive or threatening behaviour towards colleagues, agents and contractors is unacceptable regardless of circumstances and from whom the behaviour comes. Whilst recognising that mental health and related behavioural problems may contribute to abusive and/or threatening behaviour, this will not be used as an absolute mitigation or justification for abusive or threatening behaviour towards colleagues, agents and contractors.
2. Definition of abusive/threating behaviour
Abusive / threatening behaviour includes:
- The use of language likely to cause alarm or distress
- Shouting
- Aggressive gestures (pointing, banging doors / desks, waving arms, throwing objects)
- Any form of physical violence, whether actual or threatened
- Any behaviour which frightens or causes distress to colleagues, agents or contractors.
Agamemnon recognises that some issues can be confrontational, e.g. addressing issues of property neglect or damage, non-payment of rent and anti-social behaviour.
We will endeavour to adapt our service to meet particular individual needs regarding mental health and other special needs.
3. Response to abusive / threating behaviour
In cases of physical violence, threatened or actual, colleagues, agents or contractors are expected to leave the situation immediately in the interest of safety.
In response to other abusive or threatening behaviour, colleagues, agents or contractors will, in order:
• Request that the behaviour ceases with immediate effect
• Advise that communication will be terminated if the behaviour continues
• Cease communication; advise that the interview/ discussion is at an end, ask the person concerned to leave or by ending a telephone call
• Report the incident to a manager
• Instigate appropriate action.
4. Follow up on incidents of abusive / threating behaviour
Agamemnon is committed to providing a safe working environment with help, support, advice and assistance for employee, agent or contractor subjected to abuse and will:
- Write to identify the behaviour, explain why it is unacceptable and outline the consequences if repeated
- Reserve the right to withdraw or adjust future service provided to the tenant
- Enforce exclusion, if necessary, with assistance from Police/civil legal action
- Consider possession proceedings on the basis of a breach of tenancy agreement.