Tenant and Community Engagement Policy

Author: Carl Dixon

Effective Date: December 2024

Next Review Date: December 2027

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1. Introduction

This policy outlines how we’ll engage with our tenant and communities, including things like gathering feedback and providing opportunities to help shape our services.

For Agamemnon, tenant and community engagement means working closely with our tenants, communities, and stakeholders in areas where we own and manage homes to improve services to our tenants and local communities.

Tenants and community engagement will help us to achieve our strategic priority of tenant experience – right service, right time, first time.

2. What is Tenant and Community Engagement?

Engagement describes:

• All the activities and processes that we undertake to help us understand our tenants’ opinions and what our tenants want
• All the activities we encourage and resources we provide that enable tenants to be involved in the associations work, if they want to
• How we work with our communities and stakeholders including local MPs, police, and local/veteran charities to understand the issues facing our communities as well as the opportunities to work together and improve.

3. Our partners and stakeholders

Our partners and stakeholders include local authorities, the police and fire services, county, town and parish councils, health services, schools and colleges, other housing providers, veteran, voluntary and community organisations.

Our core local authority areas are those administered by Havant, Portsmouth, Gosport Council. We’ll concentrate our community and stakeholder involvement efforts in our core areas, where our presence and impact are most effective.

4. Our tenant involvement framework

We aim to amplify our tenants’ voices through meaningful engagement and involvement, ensuring they feel heard. Our service and investment decisions will be guided by tenant feedback, and we will actively encourage tenants to share their thoughts and the outcomes.

We will identify and specifically target the tenants or representative groups needed for any involvement exercise to ensure effective communication.

New tenants will be invited to participate in the association, with various opportunities provided to ensure a diverse and regularly refreshed tenant voice, promoting inclusivity.

Clear terms of reference will guide our involvement approach and ambitions. We will offer different levels of involvement based on tenant preferences and the subject matter, with standards in place for our colleagues to meet, allowing tenants to hold us accountable.

We will create terms of reference to assist our colleagues in conducting effective involvement activities that meet the association’s standards. We will enhance the skills and abilities of both our colleagues and tenants through a competency framework to ensure effective involvement.

We will ensure tenants are informed about the impact of their involvement, using both direct and indirect channels to communicate these outcomes.

5. Community and stakeholder engagement

In our primary operating areas, we will promote social, environmental, and economic well-being. At times, our actions may conflict with the local community. In such cases, we will take the time to explain our decisions and, where feasible, adjust our plans based on community feedback.

We collaborate with partners and stakeholders at all levels to improve local services, ensuring they better meet the needs of our tenants and the broader community. We will support strategic partnerships and housing forums within our primary areas of operation.

We collaborate with tenants to maintain and enhance the areas where we own homes. We provide a variety of housing-related services that benefit the broader community. Our website includes relevant policies and procedures on community involvement.

Our colleagues are dedicated to engaging tenants and promoting the association within the communities where we own property. They work to maintain and improve these neighbourhoods and collaborate with tenants and other stakeholders to support community projects and initiatives that benefit both the association and tenants.

Our colleagues are committed to engaging tenants and promoting the association within the communities where we own properties. They focus on maintaining and enhancing these neighbourhood’s and work alongside tenants and other stakeholders to support community projects and initiatives that benefit both the association and the tenants.

6. Measuring the impact of community and stakeholder involvement

We will measure the impact of our community and stakeholder engagement by:
• Gathering partners’ feedback on our activities and the differences we’ve made
• Evaluating the impact of community events by listening to participants, providing feedback on our actions, and assessing the outcomes
• Assessing the effects of community improvements on tenants
• Reporting on our performance.

7. Value for money (VfM)

The Associations tenants and community engagement activity will be reviewed regularly. We’ll ensure we’re focusing on the right areas to achieve the best outcomes for the association, our tenants and relevant partners and stakeholders.