Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and Nuisance Policy

Author: Carl Dixon

Effective Date: December 2024

Next Review Date: December 2027

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1. Introduction

Agamemnon believes that everybody has the right to the quiet enjoyment of their homes and will not tolerate any form of Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) or nuisance that affects its tenants, their families and visitors, colleagues, agents or contractors.

2. Definitions

Antisocial Behaviour is defined as:
Any conduct which has caused or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as the person who has acted in that way.

Nuisance is defined as:
Offensive, annoying or disagreeable behaviour that impacts negatively on a tenant’s quality of life in and around their home.

3. Reporting antisocial behaviour

Any person (including third parties) may report an incident in person or writing, by telephone or email. Agamemnon is committed to providing support for the victim.

4. Our seven key principles

Tackling ASB and nuisance is central to improving people’s quality of life
• A tenant must take responsibility for their own, their family members and visitors’ actions
• A tenant has the right to their own chosen lifestyle, without fear or intimidation, if this does not interfere unreasonably with other people’s rights
• A witness to ASB and nuisance has a responsibility to report it and the right to be protected in doing so
• The perpetrator of ASB and nuisance is accountable for their actions
• Agamemnon has a responsibility as a landlord for ensuring that such rights and obligations are met in individual cases, and that the perpetrator is held to account for their actions
• Agamemnon will work to resolve problems of ASB in partnership with other agencies.

5. Responding to anti-social behaviour and nuisance

Agamemnon investigates and categorises all reported incidents of ASB or nuisance and takes appropriate action which may include advice, warnings, conciliation and support or even re-housing. If necessary, Agamemnon will use injunctive, possession and eviction
proceedings. Categories are as follows:
• Category A: Rapid response and investigation with possible enforcement action on incidents which compromise an individual’s safety i.e. Class A drugs, assault, harassment, violence and sexual offences
• Category B: Timely and appropriate action, such as mediation or conciliation for frequent and / or persistent reports of nuisance which cause alarm, fear or interfere unreasonably with another individual’s use and enjoyment of their home and community e.g., persistent disturbance, vandalism and graffiti
• Category C: Dialogue and possibly mediation between victim and perpetrator without the need for enforcement, on incidents which impact negatively upon an individual’s quality of life i.e., loud music, obstructing the landings and stairs, persistent knocking on other tenant’s front doors.

6. Reducing anti-social behaviour and nuisance

Agamemnon endeavours to reduce opportunity for ASB and Nuisance, by:
• Recognising that well designed and maintained environments are less prone to ASB, and by taking this into account when preparing maintenance programmes – e.g. noise reduction measures.
• Considering and possibly excluding a person with factual previous ASB or criminal activity within the last six years which has adversely affected other people when considering housing or re-housing options.
• Taking up references with previous landlords to check that tenancies have been conducted in a reasonable manner
• Having several measures in place to reduce the potential for incidents of ASB and nuisance including partnership working and sharing information with external agencies e.g. local authorities, crime reduction teams and the Police.