Countering Harassment Policy
Author: Carl Dixon
Effective Date: December 2024
Next Review Date: December 2027
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1. Introduction
Agamemnon condemns all incidents of harassment, including racial harassment, and is committed to implementing the strongest possible sanctions against perpetrators. We recognise that Agamemnon has a crucial role to play in preventing racial harassment, supporting those at risk and acting against perpetrators to the satisfaction of the individual, family and community involved. Agamemnon’s tenancy agreements contain clauses prohibiting racial harassment and all tenants, colleagues, agents, contractors, suppliers and consultants working with Agamemnon are required to be aware of, and to comply with, Agamemnon’s policy on countering harassment (including racial harassment).
Persistent failure to do so will lead to Agamemnon taking disciplinary action to colleagues, ceasing to offer work, or to the cessation of a tenancy.
2. Definition of harassment
Harassment (including racial harassment) is when people aim to make a particular person or household suffer, including (but not limited to) name-calling, graffiti, arson and violence.
There are no defined limits to the nature and scope of harassment, Agamemnon therefore makes the two following definitions:
• Harassment: any incident in which the victim believes they have been harassed
• Racial harassment: any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.
An incident will be accepted as harassment if it is felt to be as such by the person suffering the harassment until further investigations prove otherwise. This does not mean however that the alleged perpetrator is immediately assumed to be guilty.
Harassment differs from nuisance. Nuisance generally stems from anti-social behaviour which is not directed at anyone. Agamemnon has a separate policy for anti-social behaviour.
3. Reporting harassment
Agamemnon encourages reports of any harassment. You can make a report verbally, either in person or by telephone, or in writing via letter or email.
4. Investigating Harassment
Agamemnon will:
• Carry out a thorough investigation on all reported incidents
• Wherever practical, interview the victim of harassment within 24 hours of the incident
• Take steps to ensure the immediate protection of the victim
• Support victims of, and witnesses to, harassment and keep them informed of progress
• Respect the wishes of the victims of harassment when deciding what action to take
• Not take action without the victim’s consent, unless there is a risk of harm (Safeguarding) to the victim.
5. Resolution of harassment incidents
Agamemnon will:
• Try to resolve the conflict by changing the perpetrators behaviour and without undue disturbance for the victim
• Take action to evict those guilty of harassment if the behaviour does not change
• Refer harassment cases to qualified or trained mediators if thought helpful
• Work closely with other agencies such as the police, support agencies and local authorities
• Sign up to information sharing protocols where these are available.