Domestic Violence Policy
Author: Carl Dixon
Effective Date: December 2024
Next Review Date: December 2027
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1. Introduction
Domestic violence is generally systematic and repeated abuse which can be both physical and mental. Mental cruelty can be insidious and subtle and proof may not be available. Domestic violence is about the use of power to assert and maintain control over another person.
Domestic violence is most commonly experienced by women and perpetrated by men. However, Agamemnon also recognises that men and elderly people may be the victims of violence by family members.
2. On reported incidents of domestic violence
Agamemnon will:
• Respond promptly to reports of domestic violence
• Take all reports of domestic violence seriously
• Take a non-judgemental victim-centred sympathetic approach
• Respect confidentiality and agree with the victim methods of contact
• Support to identify agencies and services able to provide support and assistance
• Deal with all housing requests in line with Agamemnon’s allocation policies (copies available for Head Office)
• Take action to evict perpetrators of domestic violence where appropriate.
3. Advice and support
Agamemnon colleagues should advise and support the victim but should not be
expected to give legal advice. We will:
• Advise tenants on how to obtain expert legal advice from solicitors, advice agencies, local authority Social Services Department or the Police
• Assess requirements for temporary accommodation especially if there is a threat to the victim’s safety if they remain at home. Agamemnon does not have temporary accommodation so will refer the victim to their local authority, a Women’s Aid Refuge or friends and family
• Prioritise any emergency repairs needed to the home, including considering additional security measures such as door spyholes and windows locks if the violent person has left the home.
4. Action which can be taken
There are two main actions Agamemnon can take:
• Re-housing the victim
• Consider evicting the violent person – this may be done on grounds of breach of tenancy and there must be compelling evidence from the Police or a doctor for the case to succeed in court. Without permission from the victim for third party evidence to be obtained, Agamemnon will not start eviction proceedings. Action can be taken only after the expiry of a Notice of Seeking Possession (NOSP).
Agamemnon will only grant one tenancy, therefore would not re-house both parties in a relationship breakdown.