People & Culture Committee (PAC) Terms of Reference

Author: Carl Dixon

Effective Date: August 2022

Next Review Date: August 2025

If you require this document translated or issued in a format which is more appropriate for you, please contact us.

Terms of reference (ToR) set out the working arrangements for the Committee and can list vital information about the group, such as its purpose, chair and membership, meeting schedule, level of administrative support, and dispute resolution processes. Below is the ToR for the People & Culture Committee.

1. Purpose

The purpose of PAC will provide strategic direction and leadership to ensure that Agamemnon Housing Association “Focuses on people-related issues, both the service to our tenants and the support to our colleagues”. The PAC sets out to achieve: (the outcomes)
• To promote the NHF tenants together charter
• To understand how we as an Association can maximise the benefits of the Social Housing Regulation Bill (Currently a white paper)
• Monitor Health & Safety within the Association
• Monitor Safeguarding
• Create a culture that promotes people’s health & wellbeing
• Review policies & practices from the “lived experience” of tenants

2. Term

This ToR is effective from August 2022 and will be ongoing until terminated by agreement between the members. The Chair of the PAC will rotate on a three-month basis between Director’s sitting on the PAC. The tenant member of the PAC will rotate on a six-month basis and will be selected from a pool of tenants who want to share their lived experience at Agamemnon Housing Association.

3. Membership

The Committee will comprise of:
• Sue Dewey OBE – Director (Chair of the PAC)
• Mark Newton – Director
• Collette Dunkley – Director
• Chris Penney – Director
• Carl Dixon – CEO
• Jackie Stoddart – Operations Manager
• Graham Keeping (45 EMC) – Tenant

4. Roles and Responsibilities

The PAC is accountable for:

• Fostering collaboration between tenants, colleagues, and the Association
• Removing obstacles to the Associations successful delivery and adaption of strategies
• Maintaining the focus of the PAC on the agreed outcomes and benefits
• Monitoring and managing the factors outside of the PAC’s control that are critical to its success.

The membership of the PAC will commit to:

• Attend all scheduled PAC meetings
• Champion the PAC within and outside of the Association
• Share all communications and information across all PAC members
• Make timely decisions and taking action so as not to hold up the business of the PAC
• Notify members as soon as practical, if any matters arising may be considered to affect the development or running of the PAC
• Give voice to the “lived experience” of tenants and colleagues within the Association.

Members of the PAC will expect:

• That each member will be provided with complete, accurate and meaningful information in a timely manner
• To be given reasonable time to make key decisions
• To be alerted to potential risks and issues that could impact the PAC or Association as they arise
• To have honest and open discussions, without resorting to any misleading assertions
• Ongoing “health checks” to verify the overall statues and “health” of the PAC.

5. Meetings

All meetings will be chaired on a rotating basis between Directors sitting on the PAC.

A meeting quorum will be three members of the PAC.

Decisions made by consensus (i.e. members are satisfied with the decision even though it may not be their first choice). If not possible, the PAC chair makes the final decision.

Meeting agendas minutes will be provided by Carl Dixon, this includes:

 • Preparing agendas and supporting papers
• Preparing meeting notes and information.

Meetings will be held quarterly for a 12-month pilot at head office or via “Teams” between 16:00hrs and 17:30hrs on the dates agreed.

If further committee meetings are required these will be arranged outside of these times at a time convenient to committee members.

6. Amendments, modifications or Variations

This ToR’s may be amended, varied or modified in writing after consultation and agreement by the PAC members.